If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, September 30, 2019

September update and new goals for October

Rainbow” quilt that I started quite awhile ago and started back on it today by sewing all the blocks together one way with chain stitching  But its not a realistic rainbow as the colors are in the wrong order and real rainbows don’t have black and brown in them.  

Get ready for Fall organization plan
✅1. Back room desk✅
✅2. Back room closet ✅
✅3. Hall bath under sink cabinet✅
✅4. Hall linen cabinet✅
✅5. Toy room closet ✅
✅6. Sewing room closet✅
✅7. Sewing room fabric✅
8. Front closet
✅9. Hall book shelf✅
✅10. Hall dust photos✅
✅11. Dining room dust wall stuff
✅12. Dining room table top 
✅13. Laundry room cabinets✅
✅14. East hall- cabinet and hat rack ✅
❇️15. MBR end tables - 1 done, 1 still to do 
✅16. MBR vanity✅
✅17. MBR general declutter ✅
✅18. MBATH cabinets and wash curtains ✅
19. MCloset file cabinet 
✅20. MCloset my clothes ✅
✅21. MCloset Jeff’s clothes✅
✅22. Garage- sweep, spray and declutter✅
✅23. Tornado building- sweep, spray and declutter✅
✅24. Kitchen junk pantry✅
✅25. Kitchen big pantry✅
✅26. Kitchen upper cabinets✅
✅27. Kitchen lower cabinets✅
✅28. Kitchen drawers✅
✅29. Breakfast nook hutch - started - more progress ✅finished✅
✅30. Living room tables & mantel ✅

I didn’t complete everything on my 30 items list but I’m so happy with all the jobs that are done,  pretty much all of them make my life easier now - cooking is much better in the kitchen after the cleaning and decluttering.  Getting dressed is a breeze now  that my clothes are organized and minimized.  

Mopping the garage made me feel like a crazy woman though.  It doesn’t get done but every year or 2 and that floor really needed it.  
But I’m sure the 3 neighbors that drove by while I was mopping thought I was a crazy Mrs Clean fanatic - 😂 - 

The list for September worked so well for me that I’ve made a goal list for October.  
And I had free time today so I worked on some them today even though it’s still September.  

October Goals 

Front closet 
File cabinet
✅Repot succulents✅
Clean out outdoor pots as needed
Clean oak woodwork as needed
Clean white doors 
Fall decorations
    Front porch
    Mantle and dining table 
Help Elizabeth with her room 
Help Jeff clean up shop  

🧶🧵✂️Sewing Goals ✂️🧵🧶
Sew a robe for me
Finish rainbow quilt. ✅started chain sewing blocks together 
Sew and finish flag quilt
✅Alter dress hems  ✅

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fall challenge progress and a few other things

Good evening everyone.
Most of my work has been in the kitchen this week and I’m so happy with the results.  
I didn’t take photos of everything but here are a few 

Gadget drawer- before, it was so unorganized that it was hard to open and close


Under the sink Before 😱

After - I didn’t have any shelf paper so I used part of a checked vinyl tablecloth that I previously cut down to fit the table holding plants in the breakfast nook.  

Our tiny, pitiful garden has decided to produce lots of peppers. 
I diced a dozen or so bell peppers to freeze.  

Then I pickled some crazy hot tiny peppers and sweetened jalapeño peppers.  

I browsed awhile at Dollar Tree.  
I did not buy these black roses embellished with eyeballs and spiders.  

I did buy these M&Ms but I don’t recommend them at all.  

Oh, here’s my fall challenge list- more things done but a few things still waiting....... but housework is patient and is always waiting to be done, right? 

Thank you for stopping by 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Continuing with get ready for fall updates

I’m still working on my fall updates.

Hall bookshelf before above and after below- 2 big brown sacks of books were donated and books from around the house were added to the bookshelf 

In my craft room- above is the fabric shelf before and below is after 
My craft room looks very lived in as, over the summer, our 2 oldest grands spent a lot of time in there, sometimes making things and sometimes just making messes 🙂 I know they had a great time and I’ll get things back in order before long 

Today,  I plan on making more progress as I have no need to go anywhere.

Hope you all are having a good September ❤️

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Get ready for Fall -progress

Hello everyone,  this post is mostly photos.
I’ve made some progress on my list and I’ve got all month to keep working on it.  
I’m glad to hear I’ve encouraged some of you to do similar tasks in your home.
It’s really nice when the jobs are done,
But again, please don’t make yourself crazy doing too much.  

Breakfast room after - and yes, the windows need cleaned 

Pantry Before and after

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September Challenge

good evening everyone
I’m working on my September list as well as a weekly cleaning list.
I’m making progress,  but it would be nice to just nod my head and accomplish it all, like the old I Dream Of  Jeanie tv show 😂

And just in case you think my entire home is already looking magazine-ready, 
The breakfast room is a bigger project.  
I did sew new valances  and I cleaned the hutch
I washed all the pottery that’s usually displayed there and it’s all still air drying and strewn out over a good part of the kitchen.  

So there is still plenty to do, but isn’t there always?  

And if your doing a September challenge with me,  do what you can but don’t make yourself crazy.  

Panera contest

Monday, September 2, 2019

September Home Challenge

After a busy August with lots of grandchildren days, our entire home is in need of cleaning and organizing just about every corner. It’s a bit overwhelming as it can’t all be done in a day or 2. 
So I made a list of everything I wanted to fix and was surprised it added up to 30- which is  also the number of days in September.  
So,  my plan is to work on least 1 area a day and by the end of September,  our home should be good shape again.  

I’m off to a good start as 3 of the areas are already back in order and another one is started.  

Before and after pictures below and I am rather embarrassed by them but I know everyone wants to see results.  

The last photo is the before of the messy breakfast room- it will look much different when I’m done.  

The month is just getting started- anyone else want to join me on this challenge? 

Get ready for Fall 
organization and clean up plan 
1. Back room desk
2. Back room closet 
3. Hall bath under sink cabinet
4. Hall linen cabinet
5. Toy room closet 
6. Sewing room closet
7. Sewing room fabric
8. Front closet
9. Hall book shelf
10. Hall dust photos
✅11. Dining room dust wall stuff✅
✅12. Dining room table top ✅
13. Laundry room cabinets
14. East hall- cabinet and hat rack 
15. MBR end tables
16. MBR vanity
17. MBR general declutter 
18. MBATH cabinets and wash curtains 
19. MCloset file cabinet 
20. MCloset my clothes 
21. MCloset Jeff’s clothes
22. Garage- sweep, spray and declutter
✅23. Tornado building- sweep, spray and declutter✅
24. Kitchen junk pantry
25. Kitchen big pantry
26. Kitchen upper cabinets
27. Kitchen lower cabinets
28. Kitchen drawers
29. Breakfast nook and hutch - started 
30. Living room tables & mantel 

Tornado shelter before and after 
(It’s an 8 foot square above ground concrete room in the backyard, rated to withstand and E5 tornado)

Dining room before and after