If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, January 1, 2022

December recap and 2022 post #1

Hello everyone 
First, I hope this new year will be wonderful for everyone

Our New Years Day traditions are to have this little guy on display 

And we eat black eye peas, rice and cabbage.  This year we had ham with pineapple sauce and corn fritters too.  

December was not the best month.  My husband and I both ended up with terrible colds and we stayed home for days and days.  
No cooking was done except we ate buttered toast for most every breakfast 
And chicken noodle supper for the other meals we were hungry,  

Looking at the candy cane Christmas tree while I was sick made me not like it at all,  so when we both were feeling better,  we redecorated the tree with ornaments.  
I like it much better and the kiddos have loved having candy canes to munch on.  So it all worked out just fine. 

We had a fun family Christmas with 15 of  us here.  
We had catering from Chipotle.  I was feeling better but not up to cooking much.  

We rented a bounce house for the backyard.  
We had mini gingerbread houses to decorate and the kiddos loved unwrapping a Saran Wrap prize ball and their Christmas gifts 

I’m hoping to blog more in 2022 and will see how it goes.  
I’m not making resolutions but I have written up a few goals and plans.  
I’ll share those tomorrow.  

Happy 2022 everyone ๐ŸŽ‰

❤️ Rhonda 


  1. I never would have thought about Chipotle catering for a holiday meal, but I love their food.

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration even though you were not in top form.

    Have a wonderful New Year.

    God bless.

  3. Sounds like you had a good Christmas despite you and your husband being sick. I hope 2022 brings us all good health and lots of love and blessings from family and friends.

  4. I still have not felt like a Christmas dinner. I made the turkey and Stovetop Stuffing and baked sweet potatoes. Tommy has been eating other leftovers, and I just eat turkey and other bit.

    Catering sounds like a dream come true. No cooking or thinking.

  5. That cold struck us down a day after Christmas and thank goodness we had done all the celebrating. It is a beast! Glad you are feeling better.

  6. Your catered Chipotle looks delicious. No such amenity here, but if it was, you can bet we'd take advantage.

    We had a bad cold in September. I got it from the little guy I watch a couple of afternoons a week, who got it from his brother who brought it home from school. I gave it to several family members. A couple of us had Covid tests, but they were negative, so the rest of us didn't bother. I hadn't been sick in any way in years, so was especially annoyed by it. This hung on for over three weeks, then a couple weeks later, the little guy's family got a tummy bug. Fortunately I did not catch that. If so, I wouldn't be watching him anymore. He's cute, but germy. Lol.


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