If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sewing a new cash spending billfold

I sewed a cash spending envelope system about 2 years ago and have been using it ever since.  It worked pretty good but had a couple of flaws and was also getting worn from so much use. 
you can see it here and read a little about my method.

I wanted a new one and searched for some tutorials.  I did not ever find one exactly like I wanted but I did like this one
Except hers is made from oilcloth. I like oilcloth but I tried  to buy some in my town a few months ago and no store here carries it. 
I used that tutorial, but for fabric.  So I added a 1/2 inch for seam allowances to all the pieces,  added some batting to the base and back pockets for a little stability and used less pockets. 

Since I am trying to use-down my craft supplies,  I made this strictly from supplies on hand too. 

a little larger than a regular wallet or billfold
but I think this size and number of pockets will suit me.
to make the labels,  I just used some bias tape and rubber stamps,
 then I machine-sewed on the labels.
I put my rewards cards in the front pocket.
Change is in it's own pocket and the only one with a zipper. 
On the oilcloth tutorial,  she used zippers on 6 pockets,  but I did not need that many pockets. And the pockets that hold paper money and receipts are deep enough that I don't think mine will require zippers to be secure. 
the back has a pocket for my checkbook. 
The checkbook cover already has a spot for my license, insurance cards and money cards
so I did not make special pockets for them on this wallet.

It may seem silly to mainly use cash for spending and then to also carry credit cards and a checkbook but this system works for me.

If you have any questions,  I will be happy to try to answer them
but I don't have any plans to do a real tutorial.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What $10 bought

Back in August,  I started a makeover of this dining room.  We changed out the carpet for tile. 
Jeff built the shelves for his plate collection.
I sewed up some new curtains. 
What we still needed was chairs.  Not just any chairs, as this room is not big and has 2 odd angles that look nice but take away from the square footage.
I've been patiently looking and hoping to find the right style.....

and it paid off'
we got 9 chairs for $10 for all of them!
They were an Ebay auction - surplus stuff our city was selling. 
I bid a lot higher because I really wanted them but nobody else bid on them so we got them for almost nothing.

small dining spaces need chairs with staight legs,  not the kind that flair out as they require more floor space.

yep - that is a vinyl tablecloth,  this is a real house with real people living in it. 
I like fabric cloths but with little ones and sometimes messy adults,  the wipe-off vinyl is just more practical.   

the flowers are a flat of dianthus that I got at Lowes last week.
They will soon be planted outside but our weather has been cold so they are staying inside for now so they don't freeze.
I think the flowers may of cost about the same as the chairs.  hmmmmm