If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God Moments : A Year in the Word

I got this free book from Amazon a few weeks ago and am really enjoying its sweet and meaningful devotions. 
When I looked on Amazon this morning, the kindle version book is still free. 
The book starts with January 1 and has a devotion for each day. I started the book at the beginning, even though it was July, and read 2-3 each day.  

You don't have to have to a Kindle to read Kindle books. Amazon has free Kindle apps for most phones, computers, tablets or whatever device you use. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Less busy on Wednesday

I didn't have much on my list today. I cut out coupons, worked on my manicure and went to the bank for cash so while I was out, I stopped at Walmart, Dollar Tree and Aldi.
Walmart. -used 2 coupons from Sundays paper for lipstick and nail polish. 
  The gallon can of tomato sauce is make a big batch of pasta sauce to freeze.

Aldi- rest of the groceries were bought there. We didn't need much this week.

Most of the granola bars will go to work with my husband to keep in his desk drawer.
The other snacks are for the grands snack box.
See that clear tub in the pantry floor? It holds little bags chips, fruit snacks, granola bars. One of the grandchildren has a hard time when they have to leave so I first started the box so that child could get a treat to have on the way home and to make leaving not so difficult.
It worked, goodbyes are much easier and all the grands know where the snack box is now.
Dollar Tree - they have a new batch of solar powered wiggle animals. It is rainy today so neither one is swinging but they will be when the sun reappears.

This is the little measuring cup I got at the thrift store yesterday for 25 cents. It really is tiny, each line is 1 tablespoon or a total of 1/4 cup.  I think I will use it often, so many times I need a small amount like 2 T of oil or milk for a recipe......

Also yesterday, I cut back some of the dead zinnia and put them in a paper bag to finish drying. Each zinnia is filled with many seeds. I should be ready for next spring to grow more zinnias!

Supper tonight was some leftover grilled chicken legs, a big tossed salad and stir fried cabbage.

Grandchildren will be here the next couple days so housework will be done only on a must do basis. I won't be doing any big projects either, just watching grands ride bikes or play with toys and I sure lots of hugs will be involved too. 

Do Stuff Tuesday

I wrote another to do list with tasks I hope to do for the week, not just today. 

I fixed my husband's lunch bag first thing. 

Then I got busy with cleaning.  I vacuumed the carpets in the bedrooms and then shampooed those carpets. I used the homemade cleaner again and was very happy with how well it cleaned. 
I also cleaned and mopped both bathrooms and washed those rugs too.
In the garage, I swept and threw a few things away.

After I did the cleaning and found some spiders in the garage, I put down some bug spray in the garage and in the house. That made the house smell so I left for awhile. 

I stopped at one thrift store and found some play clothes. 
I also found a cute little 4 tablespoon liquid measure cup (it is in the dishwasher now, I will try to post a picture, I think it will be very handy!)

If you are not from the South, our supper will probably look and sound strange but it was delicious.
Garden tomatoes with cottage cheese, fried okra and kraut with weenies. The weinies are leftover Hebrew 97% fat free kosher beef franks. My husband bought the tomatoes and okra from a farmer selling them in a gas station parking lot. 

It's not crossed off on my list but I did finish the napkins. I made them from a table cloth bought on clearance years ago.  I used part of the table cloth to make an ironing board cover.  Their was a big odd-shaped scrap left. Last week, I cut it into as many 16 inch squares as possible.  After I machine narrow hemmed any raw edges, I ended up with 11 red checked napkins. 

I won't need to do much cleaning the next few days. 

Yesterday post got the nicest comments.  
I really enjoy reading what you all have been doing---

If you do stuff, stuff gets done! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Do stuff Monday

Today was a free day- no appointments and no grandchildren - so I wrote out my to do list with more on it than I usually try to get done in one day. Surprisingly and happily, I got it all done my mid afternoon.
Scratching through completed jobs on a to do list is almost as satisfying as finishing a job.
This is a not a common sight in laundry rooms- empty baskets ! But that won't last too long....
The biggest job today was mowing and edging the front and back yard. Cooler temperatures and a nice breeze made this job easier. Here are the jumbo zinnias in the front flower bed - but please just look at the pretty flowers and ignore the grass growing around them, the weeds flat got away from me from this year. 

I also made a quick trip into Ulta to get some hair products my daughter in law recommended
And changed my Jamberry nail stickers. This is my second time applying them and I really like them but there is a bit of learning curve involved. The second time was much easier and faster than the first. 

Supper will be leftovers from Sunday along with some fresh tomatoes and cottage cheese so that meal won't take much time. 

I also got out this sampler and zigzagged the edge of the linen so it won't fray while I stitch it. I plan to start stitching it this evening. 

I am already thinking about tomorrow's list. Clipping and filing yesterday's coupons will be on it as well as straightening the 3 extra bedrooms and bathrooms. 

I hope you have had a productive Monday too! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just a funny for you

This is our grandson JJ, 15  months old. His big sister Elizabeth is behind the door in the bathroom.
His momma says JJ talks to Elizabeth under the door whenever Elizabeth is in the bathroom,

Hey- whatcha doing in there? The big people won't let me in the bathroom since they caught me playing in the toilet a few months ago........