If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October #6 new dog collar, 2 “free things” and misc

Hello everyone 
Oklahoma is having bad weather most of this week.  We are as prepared as can be.  
We have a tornado safe room just a few feet from our backyard.  
Out town has tornado alert sirens and there is one less than a block from our home and it is very loud. 
Im keeping shoes, a leash, my handbag and a lantern on the table by the back door and we can be in our building in seconds if we need to head out .

I looked into ways to safely walk Ducky and after lots of research, I ordered a new collar, just for walking, from Amazon.  
So far,  it’s working great!  He doesn’t mind wearing it and doesn’t gag or choke with it,  
He just walks nicely and leaves a little slack in the leash and wags his tail the whole walk- but he doesn’t pull or yank at all.  

One job I didn’t have on my to-do list was to clean out the freezer on our kitchen refrigerator. 
And y’all be amazed but I remembered to take a before and an after photo. 

I guess these photos aren’t too dramatic but it really is much better. 

I reused some plastic tubs to hold things.  

I pulled out the saved chicken bones and started a batch of “free” chicken broth 
I let it cook all day and then strained it. 
It made an almost full gallon and almost a quart 
It will chill in the fridge all night,
Then tomorrow I’ll take the fat off the top and put it meal size containers and freeze.  

Today, our public library had free flu and Covid vaccines,  
I got a flu vaxx and it maybe took 5 minutes.  I usually get an achy arm after a shot but so far, I feel just fine.  
While I was there, I got my library card reactivated as it became inactive during 2020 when I went almost nowhere, including the library. 
I walked the children’s section between where the vaccines were and the main desk.  They had lots of freebies for littles so I picked up a craft kit and color sheet for Cora. 

While I was out,  I dropped off some donations at a thrift store and a used car seat that still had plenty of time before it expires to a family who requested one on a Facebook buy nothing group.  
If feels good to help others and to have some more room/breathing space in our home.  

I hope you all are getting things done and enjoying the beginning of fall, 
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽƒ Rhonda 


  1. Good Morning!

    Stay safe in that weather. I am curious about your tornado safe room. Did you have one built on your property? Underground? Is it big enough for a lot of people? Sorry so many questions...I applaud your readiness with things by the backdoor.

    Good news on the dog collar.

    Nice freezer! And I'll bet that both is so good!!

  2. Well I think that freezer looks great after your remodel. I am still amazed with my redo. But of course it had been a horrid mess for over a year. Amazing how I can ignore things. Love the broth idea in a crock pot I have never done that before. I always do the stove. I am going to try that. Whole chickens are on sale this week.

  3. I think your freezer looks much easier to access. I only have a deep freeze and I have deep plastic bins to hold various things in groups so I can just pull out the basket I need. It does cost me room but it's so much easier to find my things...

  4. Your before picture of the freezer looks better than mine after! It is stuffed full.

    I hope you put all your stuff by the back door into a bag to carry. It would be a shame for you to drop something.

  5. Stay safe! Good ideal to have your bag and items handy! I got my flu shot yesterday and have felt fine. They were out of the one that Allen should get (being over 65) so should have it in tomorrow.

    Teigan had a touch of something for yesterday. A fever and throwing up but today fine.


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