If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May 2 - washer issue and school pick up lines šŸ˜±

Hello everyone 
The appliance repairman came yesterday and fixed the problem.
This little screen that goes somewhere was full and crusted with ā€œsedimentā€
Itā€™s a tiny little filter but it was just full of packed sand.  And thatā€™s why the cycles werenā€™t working.
He put a new one on.
Iā€™ve done laundry all day and every load washed just like it was supposed to. 

Itā€™s funny because I had an anonymous blog comment 2 days ago and they said their repairman cleaned out a bunch of sediment in their washer too.  

My town has a big shortage of school bus drivers.  So this spring,  the school district decided to rotate areas of service.  
Itā€™s a big problem for people without vehicles or relatives willing to help. 
But Iā€™m happy to pickup 2 grands who are without a bus for a week or 2. 
One of their parents take them to school and I just need to pick them up.  

I knew lots of people would be picking up kids but I was surprised by this line.  
I got there 20 minutes early and the pickup line was already 3 1/2 blocks from the school!  And there are 2 pickup lines on different sides of the school depending on the students last names. 
Once school let out, actual pickup went smooth and pretty fast.  

Iā€™ve been busy today.  My big accomplishments were deep cleaning our bathroom and bedroom.  
No photos but I was behind on cleaning and it feels so much nicer and fresher.  



  1. oh my goodness at the line! We have had a bus driver gone here or there without a substitute but just for a little while. Hope it all gets better for you soon. I noticed two buses in a training session on the way home from picking them up today.

  2. That's a long line. I used to pick a friends son up from school (private) and the first few times I couldn't believe the line. Had to get there way early and bring a book to read!
    Glad the washer was an easy fix. Hard water I bet!!!

  3. So glad your washer is up and running! I did quite a few loads after mine was repaired also! There should be a public service announcement that this is a problem with newer washers. I liked the old, simple turn the dial models!

  4. Do you have well water, by chance? We do and we've had sediment problems over the years. We now have a whole house filter but that has to be changed every few months when it gets full of sediment. I hate having a well...I'd much rather be living somewhere closer to Lake Michigan so we'd get lake water. Yes, it's another bill, but I'd rather be paying the bill than be dealing with the well issues we've had over the years.

    That is crazy with your school system being short on drivers and having to pick the kids up or take them to school. What about the parents who are working FT and don't have any nearby family members or friends who can pick their kids up? I'm guessing this is a problem everywhere because I always see advertisements for school bus drivers, especially at middle school age.

    1. When we lived in the country, we had a well, and I donā€™t remember hard water being a problem out there. But now that we live in town, hard water is a big problem, we tend to have heavy lime that I have to scrub off of things. But that stuff in the washing machine look like nothing but sand and I donā€™t know if it came off of laundry, or if it came out of our tapwater.
      Modern machines are a mystery to me. I just know they break down a lot, so we always buy the five year warranty.
      Our townā€˜s bus driver shortage has several causes. One is because people donā€™t want to drive buses or they arenā€™t eligible to drive buses because of bad driving records etc. Apparently our town has several long-term steady bus drivers who have had a lot of medical issues and family issues recently to, so itā€™s complicated and it has been hard on people getting children to school and back.

    2. We live in a 123 year old house that had been completely remodeled down to the original heart pine floors. God sent us here to the Smokey Mountains and we are blessed. Please be grateful for your well because things could get so bad you will be the only one with water. We have great water from the town and found out we have a 400 ft. well that the town use to use. We are checking out what it would take get it working again. It could be well worth our savings to have it up and running. We are so far out in the country that they won't even honor a warranty for our appliances ( found that out the hard way). God blessed us by meeting young man that does repair in Knoxville. He's very honest and reasonable and I share our garden with him.

  5. Even with school buses picking up the children after school here in the city, there is still a line of vehicles. I picked up my boys back when there were no buses for city kids and the line ups were huge.

    Glad you got the washer working once again.

    God bless.

  6. I showed Tommy the filter picture. He has hard water and has never had a washer problem. I used to sit in line every day for years. However, we had three lines going around the school, three lanes.

  7. Car pick up lines...I have heard the nightmare stories! When my boys were growing up they were able to walk to school or ride bikes. Things are different now I think.

    We are near the beach, and when the grands are here I find a lot of sand residue in the washer. I have a top-load agitator style. I wonder if something inside needs to be cleaned out. Not sure how to access it, however!


Thank you for dropping by today ā¤ļø
Because of so many spam comments, Iā€™m forced to moderate all comments. I know itā€™s a bother. Iā€™m sorry but yā€™all donā€™t want to read their marketing or trash either. Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜