If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy 2024 🎉

I certainly hope it’s going to be a happy 2024- who knows though…..the last few years have been pretty rough.  
But I’m an optimist so I’ll be looking for happy days ahead.  

I made a new to do list for this week.  

To celebrate the new year coming in,  we watched a livestream from Branson last night.  It was by the Haygoods and Clay Cooper and team.  
It was really good and certainly cheaper and easier than an actual trip.  
At midnight,  they had a big ballon drop that looked really impressive on screen. 

Today,  our daughter and family came for our traditional new years lunch, based on old Southern traditions 
Black eyed peas, cabbage, rice, cornbread muffins and sausage.  

JJ is growing but I still think he and the New Year elf, bought years ago at a thrift store, resemble each other.  

Goals for 2024 

My list is short and realistic for what I could accomplish 

Daily I plan to 

Read Bible
Sew anything 

I want to do  Casual couponing 1 or 2 deals a week 
Last week I went to CVS and got a giant jug of Tide for about $9

I plan to do small deals on products we use.  But it will be very casual.  I thought about going to Dollar General Saturday when they have the $5/25 coupon but I didn’t feel like leaving home.  

Continue decluttering and downsizing home possessions - I’ve done a lot over the last 2 years but would still like to do more. 

Pay off Avalon My husband couldn’t drive his pickup anymore (back issues) so he traded it for a comfy sedan the end of the summer.  There is a small loan with a low interest rate for the difference.  We’ve been paying extra and hope to pay it off in the spring.  

Double savings account at the credit union 

As weather permits- get back yard straightened up 

❤️ Rhonda 


  1. Happy and healthy New Year to you and your family, Rhonda! Your NY day lunch looks and sounds delicious. I made us a late breakfast - scrambled eggs with veggies and sourdough toast, so we didn't have lunch. Leftover split pea soup for dinner.

    1. Thank you Melanie,
      Nina has been making sourdough bread.
      Happy new year to you and all your family.

  2. Happy New Year to you and yours. Look forward to reading and learning again this year.

  3. Happy New Year to all of you. The lunch looks lovely and yes JJ and the elf still look a great deal alike.

    God bless.

  4. My daughters loved the Haygoods when they were preteen girls on a trip to Branson with their grandparents! I stayed up late and watched a couple of movies and texted my oldest daughter throughout the night to ring in the new year. It was dark and quiet and I enjoyed a nice drink alone in the living room to celebrate while hubby slept away the year.


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