If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Friday, January 31, 2014

Babies in the 80s

I've been sorting family photos and I noticed some big differences in my 3 babies born in 1981-1984 and how baby things are done now.
In the 80s, we were to told to put our babies to sleep on their tummies, never on their backs.

No Bumpos in the 80s, babies sat in in little recliners.

Disposable diapers were a lot thicker then.  That biggest Luvs box only has 48 diapers. Now, 48 diapers take up about 1/3 of that in space.

I only had 1 ultrasound - hard to tell that is even a baby in that photo.
My grandchildren had some amazing photos in utero.

Babies happily scooted around in walkers on wheels, with no built in toys. And their older siblings pushed them around like shopping carts.
High chairs were simple metal frames that folded up just like a folding chair.
No rear facing car seats in the 80s.

No warnings against raw eggs and my children all enjoyed unbaked cookie dough.

My children with souvenir corncob pipes- I think my parents got these in Dollywood or maybe Branson. 
This is so not politically correct now.

No computer printers or photo editing then- just a hand written sign to show this son's age. 

Juice was served often and always in a Tupperware sippy cup.

No chicken pox vaccines in the 80s. My daughter had the worst case of chicken pox spots- her gum and pink nightgown were not as bright pink as all her spots that lasted 3 weeks.

These 3 little ones are all grown up- one is a lawyer, one is a school librarian and the other is a handyman extraordinaire.
But how did they ever survive?  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homemade goo -Pinterest #4 for 2014

We tried this pin today - homemade slime - goo- goop, it is made from school glue, water, food coloring and 1/2 t borax. It mixes up really fast.

Pin on Pinterest
Ours was not as solid as others I read about. Maybe our glue was not as fresh as it could be.
No matter, the grandsons had a great time with this easy activity.
Gavin is almost 5 and I think this is more age appropriate for him than for 18 month Braeden, 

Getting ready for spring

I saw on Facebook that spring is just 55 days away.
I have not had much success with growing vegetables, so far, but this year I am going to try starting my plants from seeds in the house. 
This is a plate of eggshells that will be used for little starter pots. 
It's easy, just crack your egg carefully on the side of a bowl, just below the pointy end and kind of keep cracking in a circle until the end is off. Use the inside egg for whatever you are cooking. Rinse out the egg shells and let dry. 

As cold and harsh as this winter is, I don't expect any early planting outdoors will survive. So hopefully my plants will get a good start indoors and be strong and hardy when spring finally gets here. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Freezer pockets, a shaving deal and my first CVS deal of 2014

Some of my children wanted to restock their freezers with hot pockets so I made up four batches of Calzone dough. I did the rolling and they made the fillings, filled and shaped them.
They made breakfast ones, ham and cheese ones and pizza ones- 48 in all. 
When I mixed up the dough, I used the calzone recipe for all the batches but the other pocket dough is good too. I just forgot about it.
Most all ingredients were purchased at Aldi. We did a rough estimate of the cost and decided the total cost was less than $16 to make- not bad for 48 servings of convenience food.
Calzone dough recipe on a previous post
Breakfast pockets recipe on a previous post
Have you heard of the dollar shave club? I read about it on this blog and thought it sounded like a good deal. I told my son about it and he joined. He got his first shipment really quick too. He signed up for $9 a month deal which is a nice razor with 4 extra 5 blade razors. They also sent a sample of their shave butter. He texted me later and said he compared them to his razors at home and thinks the shave club razors are almost the same as much more expensive Mach 3 razors. 
Dollar Shave has 2 other other cheaper plans. 
It seems like a great deal to us if you like the premium disposable razors, 
If you belong to Swagbucks, you can get points there if you go through that link.
I have not shopped there at all in 2014 but they have some great deals this week. This is a good week to earn Extra Care Bucks to have for future deals,
I spent $39.25 and got back $22 ECB.
The Estoven was $10 and had a $10 ECB
The Tea and Hellmans mayo were $3 each, coupons in today's paper for 50 and 60 cents and got back a $3 ECB
Suave body  wash was $2 each, coupons in today's paper were B2G1F and a $4 ECB for buying 12
Pantene was $3.50 each - I used 2 B1G1f coupons from today's paper, a $3/2 coupon and a CVS scanner coupon that was $3 off a $15 shampoo purchase.
I would of spent less out of pocket today if I had done multiple transactions and rolled one ECB to the next deal.  But I don't like to spend so much time in the store and I will use these ECBs in the next weeks to come.
Our sales tax was $4.85 :(
I always wrap any ECBs around my CVS card and secure with a paper clip so I don't lose track of them.m

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Money management-how we spend less on smart phones

When cell phones started becoming common, we had cell phones with AT&T and paid a pretty high monthly fee every month.  We never have spent lots of time using cell phones. The bills were just too high for what we used.
Then in 2009, when our contract expired, we switched to Tracfone, their phones are cheap but work fine, they don't require contracts and the charges for use are really low. 
With tracfone, my husband and I each spend roughly $100 a year for the phone and service. Our old plan was about $80 every month.  $200 instead of $960 a year for cell phones that we don't use much is much better. 

Just before Christmas, my basic tracfone was a year old and I was having a hard time hearing on it. (It had been probably been dropped by me or a grandchild just a few too many times) 
Many stores now take coupons on smartphones and I like to use coupons. So we did some research and ordered a Tracfone LG Optimus Dynamic for me from Amazon. 
Once it got here, we liked it so much, my husband got one too. He ordered his from QVC.

These will probably end up costing us each $150 or a little more a year. Still much better than the $960 we used to spend. 
The Tracfone LG looks a lot like a smartphone.
It is easy to check your balance.
I can read blogs, like this from Terri who writes at BlueHouseJournal, one of my favorites.
I can read silly picture text message for a son
I can read my email
I can pull up store coupons like this one from Hobby Lobby and watch YouTube videos. 

The text messages show up in bubbles on a scroll so it is easier to follow a conversation.

It also takes photos and movies, goes to any website and probably does lots of other stuff that I don't know how to do or even want to do. 

Tracfone used to activate their phones through a call center that I think was in India. That was difficult but now, all activations, questions and number changes can be done though their website and it is very easy. 

If you do buy a tracfone, we recommend you buy one with triple minutes for life. Anytime you buy minutes, you will get triple and that makes them cheaper in the long run. 
This model does not have lots of storage so we added a big memory card to each one. 

If you are a heavy IPhone user, I don't think you would be happy with this one. 
But if you are not big time cell phone users and just want a smart phone with minimal cost, we think these Tracfones are great.

Linking to several parties including
Friday Finances at Renaissance