When I started blogging, I was employed, my husband was working and our chicken were all young adults, some were students and we had no grandchildren.
We also had to be very careful with our finances.
A lot has changed since then.
I left my job almost 9 years ago.
For 9 years, we had at least 1 grandchild here most every week day while their parents worked but now all the local grands are in full time preschool and school.
My parents have moved to our town.
And my husband has been retired almost 4 years.
And we have fewer financial obligations.
Many days now, it just my husband and myself and we enjoy spending time together and doing tasks together.
When I started blogging, I was very busy with homemaking, careful shopping, crafting, budget cooking and decorating.
I still live somewhat “if you do stuff, stuff gets done” but I’m also enjoying some slower days and more relaxing hobbies like jigsaw puzzles and reading and just being Un-busy is suiting me these days.
I haven’t blogged in awhile because life is good here but it’s different.
I want to blog but my focus will be slightly different. I’m still homemaking but on a smaller, slower scale.
Some of you may still follow me but I expect others won’t be interested.
Enough chatter- here is what’s been going on here
Breakfast this morning was New York Crumb cake. It’s a Martha Stewart recipe and I’ve been baking it for more than a decade. I have no idea why it doesn’t have better ratings on her site as it’s so good. I’ve made it for lots of people and everyone likes it.
I like the recipe because it’s uses only basic ingredients and fast to mix up.

We enjoyed it very much at breakfast and I took part of it to my parents.
A hobby I’ve rediscovered is jigsaw puzzles.
They are a fun group activity and when I work on one alone, I find them very relaxing,

The only problem I have with puzzles is our dog, Ducky, thinks the pieces are yummy. I have to be vigilant in picking up pieces that fall on the floor as he will destroy a puzzle piece in no time.

Our daughter’s front door was barely hanging on so I helped my husband fix it this morning,
The builder used those short screws 😱to install the door to the doorframe.
My husband replaced all the short screws with the longer screws.
That door should stay in place now.

I’ve mentioned our youngest son many times in my posts.
He recently married an amazing partner.
We are happy to have both of them in our family.