If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, March 20, 2021

3 weeks of March so far——-

Hello everyone 👋🏻 
This was not a normal month for us 
First I’ll show you my to do list from 2 weeks ago 

There was no list last week as my husband had knee surgery at our local hospital.  
He’s doing ok but it was major surgery.  Surgery was on Monday and we came home Wednesday- I think he should of stayed there a few more days but it wasn’t our decision.  

He is supposed to wear Ted or compression stockings for several weeks.  Well,  they are very hard to put on, especially onto a leg with a 12 inch incision.  
We ordered this sock helper and it works like a charm!  

It doesn’t look like it would work but it does.  
Amazon has several brands as did the local medical supply store.  

Next week’s lists- they aren’t pretty but I hope they will help home things go smoothly.  
Chores and errands 

Hope you all have a good rest of this weekend 




  1. You have your jobs cut out. And, it looks like you have more than enough to do.

  2. Hope your hubs recovers quickly. I have known several who have had knee replacements and it takes a while - but once recovered they are beyond happy.
    Take care.

  3. Wishing Jeff a speedy recovery!

  4. Hope your hubby has a good recovery...yikes...a 12" scar.

    Missed your updates...

    I had to wear compression stockings after a broken ankle healed...and they are super hard to pull on.

  5. I was wondering where you were, Rhonda! I am so sorry to hear that Jeff had major knee surgery. It sounds awful. I will say a prayer that his recovery goes well. I know it's a long, painful healing process.

  6. I hope it was a planned surgery and he is feeling better.

  7. Everyone I've known that has had knee surgery says it was worth all the pain and suffering. Hoping your Husband will feel the same way.

  8. I hope your husband recovers from his surgery. My friend and her husband both had it done and are so thankful they did.

    God bless.

  9. Knee surgery is very painful and I do think they push people out too soon, but with covid maybe not. I feel bad for your husband and for you having to care for him.

  10. When I got my knee surgery last March I received one of those sock things as part of the pre-surgery packet given at the preparation appointment. With both my hip replacements I also got one. There was no way I could have put on socks without it. It is a long and painful process to get the knee back in shape.

  11. Praying for your hubby as he recovers. My husband had total knee replacement surgery this past Summer. Please make sure that your hubby does everything they say to do to recover well!


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