If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Hello and it may be awhile …..

Good morning 
If you look close in this photo, you can see our 4th nesting robin of this spring/summer and a hummingbird at the feeder.  
I don’t know if it’s the same robin pair raising all these baby robins.  But it really is our 4th nest with the parent birds that do such a good job raising very needy baby birds. 

The robins and hummingbirds are both entertaining 

Anyway,  I want to blog but I usually blog about homemaking things.
But for several reasons,  my summer homemaking has been nothing but the bare minimum.  
My husband and I are both dealing with manageable health conditions and are very thankful for good medical care.  
Another family member has been hospitalized for a week and another family member has dementia.  

I’ll be back when I can 
❤️ Rhonda 


  1. You and your hubby take care of yourselves. Staying healthy is so important. Prayers all is good with the family as well.
    We will be here when you come back!

  2. Thanks for checking in. Your robins found a home, in yours. I love watching my birds as well and yes, they are quite entertaining.

  3. Thanks for the update. It will be exciting to see your blog pop up again when you come back.

  4. It's always wonderful to hear from you! I hope everyone feels better soon.

  5. Take care of yourselves and blog when you are able.

    God bless.

  6. Take care of yourself and your family. That’s the most important thing.

  7. So glad to see your message today---I hope you and hubby are well, soon. And also the hospitalized family member. The member with dementia...I had that in my family...it is a hard road and oft times a long one. Hope the person keeps a sunny outlook---that helps all concerned...

    Jane in Florida

  8. Sometimes things (like blogging) need to be put on hold for more important things. Totally understand!

  9. I haven't been blogging much for a variety of reasons, too. Sometimes life just gets too busy. Understandable. I'm sorry that you and your husband have been having some health problems and that there are others in your family with health problems too. Take good care of yourself.

  10. Well, just keep sorting it all out. Everyone will be here when you get back. Take care of yourselves.

  11. Sending love and best wishes that this season you're in passes and all is well. ♥

  12. Prayers for all.


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