If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday in my kitchen

I visited several blogs this morning and attempted to comment but I don’t think any went through. 
And I still can’t post comments on my own blog.  Like Kim says,  it’s probably has an easy solution but I haven’t found it yet.  

Anyway,  on to things going on here. 
When I was a little girl,  I remember my mother sometimes put carrot ends in a little bowl of water on a window sill.  The carrot tops sprout on up and grow into a nice little sort of fern.  It was just a way for her to have a little pretty plant for nothing.  I don’t think just the tops would ever grow carrots.  It’s just a way to watch a plant grow and have some brightness. 
Garden centers and all the plants in grocery stores like we have now did not exist when I was young.  And even if they did,  my family didn’t have extra funds for frills like that.  
This is really easy to do- just put carrot ends in a saucer of water,  watch the water does not all evaporate, then in a week or so,  there will be carrot tops growing in the dish.  

That’s me, the first girl.  The boys are my brothers.  The other girls are neighbors.  
The photo was taken on Easter as we are holding baskets and my brother seems to be eating an egg but the film wasn’t developed until August.  (Probably because of a lack of fund for frills). And look at the little houses we all lived in.  The houses were built during World War 2 for workers at an ammunition plant. 
I don’t remember feeling poor as a child  but looking at this photo,  I wonder how people managed.  
The photo was originally black and white but my daughter found a way to colorize it.  

My husband likes grocery store orchids.  These were all bought months ago at different times and they have since rebloomed.  
Orchid blooms last a long time too.  

Corn on the cob was on sale yesterday at Sprouts 8 ears for $1.  
Aren’t the bicolor ears pretty? 
I like being on the email list for Sprouts as they send out great coupons.  
Yesterday was for the corn
Last week there was a coupon for .99 a pound honey crisp apples and .20 cents a pound onions.  
Both coupons included good deals on other groceries but they were not things I wanted. 

You always hear that coupons are just for junk food,  well, not at Sprouts! 

I cooked the pickle chicken recipe I previously linked for lunch and we did like it.  The pickle juice just gives a really good flavor to the chicken.  And it is not overwhelmingly pickle.  
I wasn’t crazy about the flour breading and think I will try this other recipe for pickle chicken next time 

The only thing I didn’t like is how the chicken looks after being in the pickle brine- slightly green- but it tasted great.  
We are still eating veggies from the Easter relish tray.  I had some Greek yogurt onion dip and a piece of the cheese ball my son made.  
Dessert was watermelon 🍉 

I truly appreciate your comments and I hope to get my replies straightened out soon. 

Have a good day everyone ❤️


  1. I remember growing the carrot tops as a child--and sweet potato vines too. I laugh when I see people using all kinds of stuff to grow roses these days--Granny just cut a potato so the bottom of a rose bush cutting would fit, and buried the whole thing. I think the reason families made it back then was we didn't have all the television we do now, telling us how poor we are supposed to feel. We had what we had, and we made do.

  2. That is a very good price for corn, wish I could find it here.

  3. Your flowers look so pretty! I have not been to Spouts yet..but there is one near where I live. I look forward to trying it soon!
    And, your dinner looks delicious!
    Have a great week!

  4. I remember we used to put carrot ends in water too. As you say the nurseries didn't exist like they do today and even if they did there wasn't a lot of funds for frivolities. I always remember mom starting the garden from seed too not like today where we often plant something that was started in a nursery. I do like the vintage photo. I remember small houses like that and they were quite cosy. We didn't complain or think of them as too small though I don't remember much about them only that times were happy in them. You got some great savings on the apples and onions..

  5. I love orchids too..I recently feel in love with them on Valentines day this year when I realized how easy they were to keep alive and how long they lasted (I just recently got rid of mine). Brighten my winter!
    I love the Easter picture. Such nice well kept houses and you all look so happy!
    Have a great week.

  6. Layla would love to grow carrot tops! I'll have to grab some big carrots when I get groceries this week.
    As for the photo, I think in our family, not many photos got taken, so it took quite some time to use up a roll of film. Then it might take awhile to have the funds to get it developed. I remember having to change the bulb in the flash for each indoor photo, so those were few and far between. It was a huge novelty when those cube-shaped bulbs were developed and you could take four flash photos in a row before you had to change the bulb.

  7. I've never tasted carrot tops, but I am wondering if they'd be good chopped up and put into a salad? I love orchids - I think they are beautiful - but I can't keep them alive! We don't have Sprouts grocery stores here in northern IL but I do get pretty good deals on produce at Aldi, Fresh Thyme, Meijer and Trader Joe's.


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