If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, December 14, 2020

Blogidays - December 15- YouTube channels I like to watch

I like to watch homemaking videos on YouTube.  There are so many channels to choose from and these are a few I have watched for awhile and most of these always have good videos.  
I like homemakers who show real things they are doing - not made up situations just to have something to film.  I also like calm YouTubers,  there is so much drama in the world and I prefer to watch peaceful videos.  

All of these women are homemakers but they have different style homes, different size families,  different cooking styles and live in different parts of the world.  I don’t agree with everything they say but I do learn from and am entertained by all of them.  
But they all seem “real” 

Hillary of Old World Home - she lives in New Jersey and has a beautiful home all done on a budget

Kate lives in California and would be described as a Hippie if  this was a different decade - she can go off on long winded tangents so she’s good watch when you want some thing long to play. 
She’s a vegan married to a man from India.  She gardens a lot! 

This is Lilliana, she is Portuguese and lives on a military base with her British husband and 2 sons.  I first watched her do a British grocery haul and I found it so interesting.
She does thrifting and cooking videos too.

Erika lives in Virginia and does all kind of videos from traveling to decorating to cooking.  They have done many remodeling projects too, all on a low budget.  

I subscribe to a lot of channels but these are the ones I most always watch when they have a new one. 
If you watch Youtube, please tell me who your favorite channels are.  

Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ 
❤️ Rhonda 



  1. I like to watch Frugal Queen in France and Homestead Tessie, she is from Pennsylvania. Both of these ladies are on Facebook too. I will try yours. I enjoy learning new things.

  2. Hope it's ok if I tell you in the morning on my blog. I'll link back here so they can see yours. I love your picks!

  3. Somers in Alaska is my favorite. Hubby even likes to watch.

  4. Thanks for the links. I'll check them out. I don't watch much youtube so it is good to have a recommendation.

  5. I watch Youtube when I get a chance . Sometimes with fascination as these young mothers over decorate their houses, and spend money on convenience foods and call it cooking. But I love to watch.

  6. I recently started getting into watching vlogs, so I'm loving this list! The ones that got me into the homemaking vlogs were She's in Her Apron and Faith and Flour. I also like watching this Japanese one where she shows what she puts in her husband's Bento boxes every week. So fascinating to me! (And I've been following Kate's channel for years, so I was happy to see it on this list!)

  7. I watch a couple of those accounts as well.

    YouTube is a great resource for so many things - just yesterday I searched how to set up my Sirius list in the new car (purchased in May, but not driven much since we don't go anywhere). I also used YT to learn how to set the dome light to come on when the door opens - it was months before we drove the car in the dark. Lol.

  8. Thanks for posting on this topic. I like watching homemaking videos too and would like to find a few new ones.
    I will follow the comments to see other suggestions

    I enjoy watching Kate too and will check out the others you mentioned.


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