If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, October 23, 2021

October #9 just food stuff

We have pretty much abandoned our garden -because I was busy and husband was down with his back so much over the summer, 
But he was checking on what we needed to do to clean it up for winter and what a surprise to find all these peppers!
So we had fajita bowls for supper last night and will have stuffed peppers maybe tomorrow 

I tried a popular person’s Candied Pecans recipe-but they just ended up tasting like  roasted pecans as the butter sugar mixture did not stick.  
This recipe was done in a skillet.  In the past, I’ve done other candied nuts recipes in the oven that I liked much better. 
Grandchildren were here and none of these went to waste but they didn’t turn out at all like I expected.  

I was given a bread machine - I’ve owned several bread machines but have worn them all out.  
This is a Kenmore and it was still sealed in the box and never used, but it’s a number of years old. 
I was pleasantly surprised it worked so well.  
It makes a long, traditional shaped loaf.  So far I’ve baked 2 batches of the Cinnamon Raisin bread in the instruction book. 
It’s a very good bread and makes wonderful toast. 
It only uses 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 tablespoons of sugar - much less than I’ve used in the past for sweet breads but it makes a delicious and sweet enough bread.  
I do chop the raisins just a personal preference. 

With the cost of groceries rising,  many of us may be choosing to use recipes that use smaller amounts of expensive ingredients 
And I recommend this recipe. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

October #8- 2 lists and stuff, etc

Good morning- I made and photographed this to-do list Sunday night 

Below is a list of meals that we have ingredients for.  I don’t usually menu plan and designate each meal for certain days in advance 
but having just a general plan like this is very helpful. 
We’ve already had taco salads, beef with mushrooms and the Joanna Gaines meal.

This recipe sounds really plain but it is delicious!  
I cut it down and used 2/3 pound of beef and 1 can of biscuits.  We had it for supper and the leftovers for a lunch.  
The salad is so good with it.  
This photo is one I took the first time I made them. 
When I made them week,  I shaped them into a turnover shape and that was much simpler than the 3 sided way described in the recipe.  

My husband’s sister sent the long pillow to us.  

A few replies 
Practical Parsimony- the reheated breakfast burritos are very good.  The eggs were not tough at all.  My husband especially liked them. 
Lejmom- we do keep water and lights in the storm building.  Our Oklahoma meteorologists are so good at telling us in advance when tornado conditions happen.  
We usually know a week ahead and can plan to be ready.  Never are we just unaware of anything and then all of a sudden a surprise tornado in heading our way.  
Terri and Tammy- those giant cookies are not for health, just for fun.  It might be hard to sell these at a yard sale and make a profit as they had 3 bags of chips in them.  
  I did find another giant cookie recipe that uses sprinkles and white chocolate chips that looks very kid-pleasing.  However she says to bake the entire recipe into just 6 cookies.  
  If I ever do make them,  they may be large cookies but not as big as the recipe writers. 

It’s been warm and windy in Oklahoma this week.  No photos but I got the biggest giggle while I was driving in town, watching several people walking in pajama pants.  
The wind was blowing their loose fitting pants around like flags and their pants seemed to have a life of their own.  
So if y’all are ever in OK on a windy day, put your long hair in a pony tail and maybe wear actual pants.  

Hope you’re all having a good week 
❤️ Rhonda ๐Ÿ’จ 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

October #7 cooking sewing

Hello everyone 
I cooked a few different things over the last few days and got a little sewing done,
I made some breakfast burritos that have been frozen and can be microwaved in a paper towel to reheat

Hash browns, Turkey bacon and sausage and scrambled eggs- my daughter and 3 grands were here and we ate breakfast with all this food and I made breakfast burritos- 2 birds with 1 stone 

After they were rolled in foil,  I out them all back into one of tortilla bags and froze them 

Our favorite bacon is Butterball Turkey bacon- the slices don’t shrink much and the skillet doesn’t end up full of grease,  
It does not taste exactly like pork bacon but it is very good. 

I saw a story about Gideon’s Bakehouse is near Disney World that sells huge cookies.  I don’t normally bake over the top recipes like this but I really wanted to try these,  
I had some helpers- the copycat version I used is a fairly basic chocolate chip recipe.  But they are portioned to a make a large cookie and then the tops are covered in toppings - we used chocolate chips, mini chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. 

The cookies were delicious but I thought they would of better if the toppings had more variety- like chocolate chips, peanut butter chips and nuts instead of 3 kinds of chocolate,  

We kept enough here for everyone to have 1 and the rest went to my son in law’s work for his coworkers.  
It was warm that day and the chocolate wasn’t set enough to bag the cookies,  so we just put them in foam plates and stacked them in boxes where they wouldn’t touch.  

The cookies were so big that 4 of them fill one plate! 

On to sewing-  I’ve got half of the yellow checked napkins hemmed. 
I used the rest of that fall themed printed fabric panel that used for Cora’s shirts to make a wall hanging and 2 pillow shams 

About our storm shelter,  it’s a 10 foot square, concrete, above ground building. The Concrete walls are 8 inch thick and will survive an F5 tornado. 
It’s on the edge of our patio and just a few yards from the backdoor.  
This summer, the grands had fun painting it with water.  

It’s an ugly building but I don’t mind,  it looks like safety to me.  
In Oklahoma,  we mostly have clay, rocky soil that is hard to dig and doesn’t drain well so basements don’t work in most places.  
In ground shelters are another option but they are usually very small and sometimes flood because heavy rains frequently come with tornados,  

And one more food thing- these 2 had a big time building with marshmallows and toothpicks.  They also tried using candy corn but it was too hard 

Hope you all are having a good weekend 
❤️ Rhonda 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October #6 new dog collar, 2 “free things” and misc

Hello everyone 
Oklahoma is having bad weather most of this week.  We are as prepared as can be.  
We have a tornado safe room just a few feet from our backyard.  
Out town has tornado alert sirens and there is one less than a block from our home and it is very loud. 
Im keeping shoes, a leash, my handbag and a lantern on the table by the back door and we can be in our building in seconds if we need to head out .

I looked into ways to safely walk Ducky and after lots of research, I ordered a new collar, just for walking, from Amazon.  
So far,  it’s working great!  He doesn’t mind wearing it and doesn’t gag or choke with it,  
He just walks nicely and leaves a little slack in the leash and wags his tail the whole walk- but he doesn’t pull or yank at all.  

One job I didn’t have on my to-do list was to clean out the freezer on our kitchen refrigerator. 
And y’all be amazed but I remembered to take a before and an after photo. 

I guess these photos aren’t too dramatic but it really is much better. 

I reused some plastic tubs to hold things.  

I pulled out the saved chicken bones and started a batch of “free” chicken broth 
I let it cook all day and then strained it. 
It made an almost full gallon and almost a quart 
It will chill in the fridge all night,
Then tomorrow I’ll take the fat off the top and put it meal size containers and freeze.  

Today, our public library had free flu and Covid vaccines,  
I got a flu vaxx and it maybe took 5 minutes.  I usually get an achy arm after a shot but so far, I feel just fine.  
While I was there, I got my library card reactivated as it became inactive during 2020 when I went almost nowhere, including the library. 
I walked the children’s section between where the vaccines were and the main desk.  They had lots of freebies for littles so I picked up a craft kit and color sheet for Cora. 

While I was out,  I dropped off some donations at a thrift store and a used car seat that still had plenty of time before it expires to a family who requested one on a Facebook buy nothing group.  
If feels good to help others and to have some more room/breathing space in our home.  

I hope you all are getting things done and enjoying the beginning of fall, 
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽƒ Rhonda 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

October #5 fall things and replies and my new to do list

First, here’s my to-do list for next week

I’ve started a few things in the sewing room 
I ripped up a bed sheet into squares to make napkins- I plan to hem them soon 
I used this sheet on the bottom futon on some bunkbeds we used to have and it’s really nice thick woven percale.  

Cora needed some fall themed clothes for her day care - they do different themes each week and she doesn’t get special clothes each week but this seemed like a fun week to do it. 
I used fabric from I already had and put iron on fusible on them and cut out the shapes,
  after I ironed them on,  I machine stitched with a straight stitch close to the edge,  

I cut up some fabric strips to make a garland for our fireplace and I want to finish this fall theme cross stitch I did years ago 

And I hope to sew up this fabric panel for a fall themed decoration for our dining room, 
It’s the same fabric I used on 2 of Cora’s shirts 

Goofy Ducky likes to lay right in the middle of the sewing room - and yes, he is in the way ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ

Speaking of Cora- I stayed with here one evening while her parents went out to a local restaurant. 
She was already asleep in bed when I got there and I watched her on this little monitor.  
She kept me entertained as she flops and wiggles a lot ๐Ÿฅฐ
She never knew I was there but I enjoyed it just the same


Lejmom- still have the banana keeper but it’s soooooo big and I’ve only been buying 3-4 bananas at a time recently. 

Traveling Oltmans- I don’t pre-bake my pizza crusts but lots of other recipes do.  

There were lots of good, informative replies yesterday.  I hope y’all read them too.  
Terri left a good pizza crust recipes and Tammy left a variation of pimento cheese that uses bell pepper instead of pimento and sounds delicious,  Tammy, I think the cheese balls that Jimmy makes have diced bell pepper, among other things, and they are really good

Are you all planning your new week? 
Hope you all have had a good weekend 


Friday, October 8, 2021

October #4 - just food stuff

Good evening 
I’ve known all week that 3 grands would be spending tonight here.  Pizza is always a good meal for Friday night. 
So I made the dough this morning and kept it in the fridge in an oiled bag.  

This is my go to pizza crust recipe- 
There are lots of good pizza crust recipes.  I like this one because the dough is always so easy to roll out.  
The cornmeal adds a nice chewy texture to the doughy too.  

One son came for lunch so I made some pimento cheese for us to eat.  
I use grated sharp cheddar (but I think most traditional southern variations use mild cheddar or American) diced pimentos, dill pickle relish, yellow mustard and just enough mayo to hold it together,  
And a little salt and pepper 
It’s good as a sandwich filling, on celery or crackers.  
If you like spicy,  it’s delicious in a jalapeรฑo pepper half too ๐ŸŒถ 

When it was time to make the pizzas,  I made one round one that my husband and I ate. 
I rolled out the other half of the dough into 3 individual pizzas and the 3 grands topped them like they wanted.  

The baked at 425 for almost 20 minutes - but my oven bakes a little slow compared to others I’ve used.  

So- that recaps the easy meals I prepared today. 
Hope you are all well 
❤️ Rhonda 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

October #3- home things and a little freezer cooking

Hello everyone
It was a such a busy summer and I never planted my big zinnia bed but we had a few zinnias come up as volunteers. 
When I cleaned up the flower beds this week,  I pulled the last of them and clipped off the best flowers for an indoor arrangement.  

For a quick lunch, I made grilled cheese sandwiches.  Mine is just cheese and my husband’s also has a ham slice.  
Grilled cheese are so good and convenient.  
I think a lot of people in the fast food drive throughs  would be better off to just go home and have grilled cheese instead of burgers and chicken.  

I did a little bulk, freezer cooking today. 
I put 2 beef roasts in the big crockpot and a tray of Aldi chicken breasts in the other.  
I added a little water and cooked both until they were tender. 

The chicken was done in about 4 hours and the roasts took about 6 hours. 
I shredded the meat and bagged it for the freezer 
This will be used for chicken salad, chicken pot pie, vegetable beef soup, hot roast beef  sandwiches, beef fried rice - 
Lots of yummy and quick meals! 

Speaking of Aldi,  I went there twice this week.  
I found bath towel sets for my daughter when they stage their bathrooms as they ready their home to sell. 
I also bought some yummy and huge strawberries there.  


I started this week still feeling poorly mostly from my fall when walking our dog.  
I did a few things but I rested a lot this week and thankfully I am feeling much better! 
Rest can do amazing things 

Hope you all have had a very good week 
