If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, January 2, 2023

First to do list for 2023

Good morning 
This is a pretty long list and it won’t all get done this week but it does all need done so at least I have a plan 

I’ve got plenty to keep me busy
Talk to you all soon



  1. Nice list - I always have a daily list going and the bigger list like yours and what doesn’t get done on the daily list gets moved to the next day. Just something about checking those boxes make me feel good. ✔️

  2. Replies
    1. Some days, I am perfect at the slow part 😂

  3. I do daily lists and then a list of chores that need to be done just once a month or so. Keeps me busy. I am also good at the slow part.

    Happy New Year.

    God bless.

  4. Love that the lists are back. After 2 weeks of company, I am reclaiming my house and restocking the food!! Two days of solid work, and I am seeing progress...but so many first of the year tasks to do. I am a list gal, too, so I join you in the pleasure of box-checking! Happy New Year! Jane in Florida

  5. I live by lists! I have a daily to-do list and an ongoing to-do list where I write bigger things that need doing, then a Project and Idea list where I write stuff like writing projects, book ideas, blog ideas, house decor ideas and projects, etc. I've often thought that I don't know how someone doesn't live by a list :)


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