If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Spur of the moment trip

About the middle of January,  I was looking at our calendar and the weather.  We didn’t have any appointments and the weather wasn’t scary so we decided to drive to the Midwest and see our youngest grand child, Cora and family.  
We had a great time!
It was just so nice to see them, eat good food, see new sights and do some fun things. 
On the way,  I didn’t want to eat to at places we have around here.  
We ate at several family restaurants and we had a late lunch at a Culver’s.  This is a chain but there are none in Oklahoma.
Doesn’t Culver’s have the best graphics and slogans? 
The food was delicious.  I had a burger and my husband had a pork loin sandwich.  

We ate at a bakery in Indiana. 
It’s a 2 story building.  The bakery and counter are on the ground floor,  then you take an elevator upstairs to the dining tables.  I think this rolling pin mobile is really neat.  Their food was amazing too. 

Our main desire of this trip was to have fun with Cora and we sure did.
We did the 3 crafts in a Kiwi Co kit.  It was a subscription her parents bought.  The crafts were lots of fun and all worked just as they were supposed too.  The jelly fish is like a puppet and moves up and down.  On the window sill, are a glow bug and a mushroom - they both glow in the dark.
No idea how much a KiwiCo subscription costs but they do seem to be educational and good quality.  

The next morning,  we had snow ❄️ it was cold but the snow was light and didn’t cause any travel problems.

We saw a log cabin made with wide, hewn logs and lots of rocks.  

Our son prepared several delicious meals including this charcuterie board. 
The bread is from the bakery with the rolling pin mobile.  

Sorry, no to do list this week.  I’ll be back with that next week.  
I’ve caught up all our laundry and our house just didn’t get dirty when it was empty for a week.  

Are you all thinking about thrift right now?  
I’m thinking about doing all Frugal February posts.  

❤️ Rhonda 


  1. How fun for you. There is a Culver's pretty close to me in Indy, but I have never been. I have heard it is yummy. Sounds like you had a great visit.

    1. The culvers food was really good and we did notice. It was not sprinkled with as much salt as a lot of restaurant. Food is the service. There was also very efficient and friendly. I’ve only ate there once, but I do recommend them.

  2. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your granddaughter and family, Rhonda! Culvers' is famous for their frozen custard. Haven't been in one in years. That bakery looks like so much fun!


    1. That bakery was amazing! We saw that Culver’s sold custard and it sounded good, but we were way too full after eating our sandwiches fries and onion rings. Plus it was cold that day and ice cream didn’t really sound too appealing. It was a fun trip, and I expect we will go again just not too soon.

  3. What a lovely trip and visit with your granddaughter and family.

  4. Yeah so I posted before I finished.....

    God bless.

  5. That charcuterie board looks delicious. That would be my dinner if someone would put it all together for me. Yum

    1. It was delicious! My favorite thing on it was some caramelized onion cheddar, it was so good! I think he said it was from Kroger

  6. Use to be a Culver's near Cousin Sonya's house in IL. It was a nice change to go to for a quick lunch. They have one down near Panama City FL too but we didn't go there......yet. ;-)

    1. Florida it’s not that far from Louisiana and you like to travel so I predict you will be taking a trip there. I do recommend Culver’s. I’m not usually a fan of fast food but this was especially good..

  7. I want the board, too. I am hungry and it is dinner time. It sounds like a fun trip.

    1. Thank you, it was a very fun trip and I’m glad we decided to go

  8. Culvers is always good. They have a wonderful roast beef sandwich. I hope you were treated to some Hoosier hospitality while you where in Indiana!

    1. Hi Wendi, I’ll remember that and get a roast beef the next time we go. But that won’t be for a while. It’s a pretty long drive up there. People were very nice to us in Indiana!
      I’m glad to see your comment from you. I miss your blog posts.

  9. What a fun trip! And all the food looked so good :) Your son made a great charcuterie board!

    1. All the food was so good. I think my son is pretty special.๐Ÿ˜Š I’m guessing you can say the same thing about your son to

  10. Sounds like a great trip and you had such fun with the grand girl! We love Culver's too!

  11. How wonderful that you got to take this trip and spend some quality time with Cora and her parents.
    I love Culver's custard, but we don't have one close by. There's one not far from Sam's Club in Lincoln, so once in awhile I grab a chocolate shake to enjoy on the hour-long drive home. It's definitely a treat.


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