If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Friday, July 28, 2023

Trying again

Hello everyone 
I’ve been away from blogging most of the summer. I checked my blog yesterday and saw that more of my recent posts have missing photos. I’ve done a search to find out the problem, but I cannot find a solution that works that I can do or that applies to my blog. 
I’m going to write a short post now with photos and a back up and see what happens.

Our patio pergola hosted 3  families of baby robins this summer.
They were fun, watching the parrot sit on the nest, and then faithfully feed the babies. About three weeks after the eggs hatch, the babies leave, and they all go away, and never come back.

I’m still working on downsizing the amount of things in our home
Yesterday I gave away a whole, another big batch of stuff on the Facebook buy nothing group.
Last week I worked on my homemade cookbooks. I had four binders and several folders with printed off recipes and recipes saved  from magazines
They were quite unorganized!
We have had to do some serious changes with the foods that we eat so many of the recipes I had saved were completely useless at this stage.


AFTER I know, it looks dirty, but the scrapbook paper is a distressed style and looks a lot prettier in person
1 single notebook takes up a whole lot less space than all that other stuff.

The notebook has four dividers – main dishes, side dishes, breads & desserts, and miscellaneous
Some of the recipes are printed from the Internet and some are cut from magazines.
 Some are glued onto pretty scrapbook paper.

I used dividers that I already had and I was happy, but they have pockets in them. 
This is in the back in the miscellaneous section.
I also saved some menu plans from the past. I don’t know that I’ll ever use this again, but they’re fun for me to go back and read.

If the photos stay on the post for a few days, I will try to get back to blogging

If they disappear, I may look into starting a new blog or
I just don’t know.


Advice is most welcome about the missing photos 


  1. Love the homemade cookbooks. Pretty nifty. Can't imagine why the pictures dispeared.
    Good to see you back!!!!!

  2. I love how you organized your recipes. It it is nice to look back and see old menu plans. The birds are so sweet. It is interesting that they fly away and never come back. It's kind of sad, but I am sure it must be that way. They certainly are a delight to see flying peacefully and singing as they go along. I hope you get the photo issue figured out.

  3. So good to see you back! I have no idea why your photos are disappearing! You would think it was a setting, but I've never noticed anything like that on Blogger. Maybe a fresh start? Maybe try signing out and then back in. I love the idea of gluing your recipes to pretty paper. Why haven't I ever thought of this?? Anyway, I know it feels good to get organized. I love the results! Hope to see you soon :)

  4. So glad to see you post, and I really like your recipe make-over. I use an old-fashioned recipe box, but occasionally go through it and toss recipes that don't suit us anymore. I have one daughter-in-law that has requested the recipe box "when the time comes". :)

  5. Please don't stop blogging, I look forward to your posts, with or without pictures. I too, have tons of recipes on little slips of paper, printed from the internet, cut from magazines....they're a mess. I will try and organize them soon. Right now we're on a cross country drive, from Houston to Denver, to Chicago, to Alabama; with quilt shops in between. Visiting our daughter, son & grandkids in each location. We've been gone for 5 weeks so far and have another 3-4 to go. It's been a blast and tiring all at the same time. Hate leaving my kiddos, but am also looking forward to getting back home. Have several quilting treats to work on when home, so in all honesty, I probably won't get to the recipes any time soon! Glad to see you're back!

  6. All my recipes are in the dump, some cookbooks, too, homemade and bought. I cannot imagine why the pictures disappear.

  7. I have never seen one of your posts without photos. I view them in Australia. I am always interested in your posts for the snapshots of a Northern Hemisphere life as well as your creative ideas. I have a master scrap book of recipes that is falling to pieces so your folder with sleeve inserts looks like a possible solution. I photo copy the recipes I use most often from my recipe books and keep them in this master collection to save me searching through books. Recently we have had to modify our diets considerably after husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and didn't want to use medication to control blood sugar levels. A lot of recipes are no longer part of the rotation perhaps now is the time to do what you have done, thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Sorry to hear about your pictures. I love the way your organizing your recipes too.

  9. I've been sorting through my recipe notebooks this month as well. I tossed about a third of the stack, but found some old ones I haven't made in a long time that we have revisited. I found I had 8 brownie recipes, so Layla and I are going to make each one and decide which is the keeper. That'll be next month sometime. School starts in a couple of weeks, and she's gone every other week, so we're running out of time.


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