If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, April 9, 2022

BEDA #9 pasta night and more little tweaks as we make this home work for 7

Hello everyone 

This was outside the bathroom that the only sick child was using.
My daughter  kept the bathroom all clean and disinfected and wore gloves to protect herself. 
 So far, only 1 of us was sick and is better now we think. 

Some other changes are 
The banana keeper box is staying on the kitchen counter again.  
7 people eat lots of bananas and we have to keep them in something
I think it helps a tiny bit to slow the ripening but I would not re-buy it. 

Our trash is picked up by our city as part of our utility services.  We have a big rolling can for recycling and it is free.  
I think we pay about $20 a month for the same size rolling can for trash.  
I’d rather not have a third giant trash can so we are trying to be diligent putting all recycle stuff in the recycle bin.
Our city accepts metal cans, paper and cardboard, and plastic that are class 2, 3 and 5.  
The very first week our daughters family moved in, my son took 1 sack of our trash to put in his rolling can.
 But all the other weeks we have filled both trash cans but not needed to figure out any other disposal methods. 

We already had this double trash can in the kitchen- the big side is trash and the smaller side is recycles. 

Supper tonight for 4 of us was what we call spaghetti but is actually a homemade red sauce on pasta and topped with cheese- no meat. 
I blogged how I make this on my first blog- if you want to know how


I made a big enough batch to put some in the freezer and left handed 1st grade grandson helped label them.  


Above is just cooked pasta and the sides were a leftover baked sweet potato, leftover green beans and fresh fruit.  
I’m guessing many people who previously didn’t eat leftovers are eating them now as grocery prices soar and many things are hard to find.  
Our supper was delicious- both the fresh cooked part and the reheated leftover parts.  

Hope you are all having a good weekend 

❤️ Rhonda 

Friday, April 8, 2022

BEDA #8 Taco pizza night

Hello  supper tonight was a use stuff before it spoils night. 
There was some raw ground beef left from Wednesday’s burgers and I wanted to use it.  \
Friday or Saturday is usually pizza night. 
So,  I decided to cook the beef with some taco seasoning and make taco pizzas.  
For the sauce, I used tomato sauce mixed with taco sauce.  

We used mozzarella and cheddar cheese and some had jalapeños 


Dessert was fresh fruit and leftover ice cream sandwich cake.  


However one of the children came home from school with a stomach bug and we are praying the rest of us don’t get it.  

Tammy- yes, the ballon arch was a kit from Amazon.  Nina has made several balloon arches for other birthdays, showers, school events.  She says the kits and an electric balloon pump are the way to do it. 

❤️ Rhonda 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

BEDA #7 Aldi butter sale and clearance

I went to Aldi this morning, moslty for their butter on sale for $1.97 pound and for some fresh fruit.  

I also shopped in their clearance aisles that I heard about on YouTube.  
So many things were discounted by 75% or so- I didn’t need or buy much but I’ll show y’all in case any of you want to go there shop as soon as possible 

And what I bought 

Car was $4.99 and will be perfect for Cora 
Humidifier was $6.25! I’m most happy for this.  

Pillows were $1.50 each 

❤️ Rhonda 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

BEDA #6 birthday fun for a new 9 year old

Today a grandson turned 9.  
When I woke up,  I saw this balloon arch with a baseball theme, constructed by his mom and aunt, while I slept. 

Fourteen of us had burgers cooked in the house because it was too windy to grill,  pasta salad, chips and dip for supper.
Dessert was an ice cream sandwich cake. It’s just unwrapped ice cream sandwiches put in whatever size container you want in layers. 
In between the layers and on top, we put whipped topping, chocolate syrup and a magic shell. This frozen treat can be made whatever size you like. 
Ours was in a 13 x 9 container and used about  18 ice cream sandwiches.
The magic shell turns hard and it was pretty hard for the younger eaters to cut. So we decided that if we make it again we will just use hot fudge or caramel topping or some thing that does not get as hard as magic shell.

I think there’s nine year old had a very happy birthday!

❤️ Rhonda 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

BEDA #5 Dollar Tree is now $1.25 Tree but it’s still good

Hello everyone
I went to Dollar Tree today for the first time in months,  maybe since before Christmas. 
I’d heard they were increasing their prices and I don’t see how they could prevent it.  
So now, instead of most everything being $1, things are $1.25 

I just wish at the grocery store that every price increase was only a quarter.  

Here’s what I bought 

6 shelf stable quarts of  milk 
Mini Oreos for a birthday ice cream cake 
4 packs of disposable plates
Furniture polish 
Some turtles to wear inside face masks- I still wear a mask sometimes, like at my parents retirement home and yesterday when I went to the dentist and eye dr.  Masks are required at all those places.  And who can predict The future and who knows if masks will ever be a common thing again? Hopefully not but for $1.25 I thought a package of six turtles was a good deal.
2 9 x 13 food containers - I bought these before and they hold up very well. I know one of ours got switched over to hold perlor  beads. 
6 Packages of lip balm 

About the furniture polish,  I cleaned our dining table with it and it seemed to do as good a job as Pledge and Endust. It is made in the USA. The brand is Chase. It has a mild orange scent.

A few replies
Tammy I’ve never frozen pizza dough with any success but I know Dawn makes and freezes ready to bake pizza and I think Terri freezes pizza dough.  

For. https://moreparsimony.blogspot.com/      BEDA Stands for blog every day in April 

Until tomorrow, 
❤️ Rhonda