If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, September 11, 2023

New week to-do list

Good morning everyone
Sunday was very much a rest day here.
 But about 530, I got a second wind and decided to get some of the housework done.

The three grandsons slept and played in this room. So I washed all the bedding, vacuumed and dusted.
I also got a pair of little boy underwear and one sock out from under the bed ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Then I cleaned the hall bathroom and vacuumed the carpet in the other three bedrooms

Today, It was very nice waking up to a partially clean home  and knowing I don’t have a really long to do list for the week

Are you making a to do list for your week today?



  1. You are lucky that is all you found under the bed!

    1. Oh I know. They are not supposed to have food in the bedrooms but I’m sure they have snuck stuff in there.

  2. I flip flop on my to-do list. Sometimes I want a big, ongoing list where I can just check off as I go and then sometimes I need a list that has the days written in, so I can assign different tasks to certain days. What do you do if you need to put something down to be done on a certain day? I like knowing how others organize their to-do's.

    1. Most of the week, I can usually do things as I please. But on days when I have appointments, etc; I write the days of the week on the list and put specific things on the day they need to be done.

  3. I make a list for the month, then break it down by week after looking at appts. etc. I planned to get 3 things done a day in the middle of canning (not on that list but on the other list) SIGH... I got 2 done yesterday.

    1. I would imagine canning takes lots of time and energy. I’m impressed you got anything else done during a big canning event.

  4. Silas is forever leaving socks here. I just make a pile on the bench by the door after I wash them, and eventually he takes them home. ♥

    1. So often, I just find one sock after grands have been here - who knows where the mate went. And they are never interested in fetching home one sock. Silly boys. But I have noticed that several of the grands often wear mismatched socks.
      I drove by the high school today and saw a young man wearing flannel pants, a hoodie and what I call house shoes. He was definitely a student as he had his school ID lanyard on.
      Styles change, don’t they?

  5. I have a to do list every day but that's not to say I get everything done every day. Some days I look at the list and say, "no way today". I do eventually get it done but not as fast as some. Btw, I love the window in your bathroom.

    1. Hello, I got things done a lot faster when I was younger than I do.
      Thank you for the compliment on the bathroom window. I really like it too


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