If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, September 25, 2023

Last Week of September 2023

Good morning
First, here is this weeks to do list

Last week, I put out some fall decorations on the front porch

And in the dining room 
And living room.  

I have a tub full of fall  decorations from past years. Many of the items are things I’ve made.
The only things new this year are the little mum on the porch that hasn’t opened it’s blooms yet, the leaf garland over the fireplace, and I sewed a short runner for the big dining table.
One change is I took the orange buffalo check table runner that was very long and made it into two, one for the coffee table and one for the dresser under husband’s giant TV. 

This is an awkward selfie by me – the flowers are from my daughter.
They were a fundraiser and activity done by our local high school Special Ed students.  
 I think they are really pretty!

No photos but I did get some sewing done week including another top for me and pillowcases for the guest room.  
I also did some couponing-sale shopping at Walgreens and Dollar General.  I’m very happy with the savings at both places.  
Reading- I finished a kindle book called “Maggie’s Mistake “ by Carolyn Brown.  It takes place around 1900 and is set mostly in Oklahoma.  I enjoyed it a lot and it had lots of surprises.  

Last week was weird but this week looks like it will be normal.  
So,  I hope to blog more.  

Hope you are all well. 
Thank you for stopping by
❤️ Rhonda 


  1. I just love your decorations! The pic on the TV looks like one of those you tube channels I put on my TV that plays music and has different scenes and landscapes - so nice as background when cleaning house.

    1. You’re right! Our TV was playing a YouTube screensaver channel. There are so many on there this year. I think they are pretty and more fun than just having the TV plain black.

  2. I just love your house and the way you decorate, we could be sisters!

    1. Awww, thank you! I always wanted a sister, you can be my cyber sister❤️❤️❤️

  3. It all looks so pretty and homey!!!
    Kate - at Coffee w/Kate was talking about you again on todays video!!!!! She is such a hoot to watch.
    Love seeing you post. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you for telling me about Kate. I went over and watch today and will try to catch up with her more. You are right, that she is a hoot!

  4. I am always looking forward to your decorating of your porch. It looks so inviting.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie.❤️๐Ÿ˜› I like our porch too but it is pretty plain compared to porches. I’ve looked at on Pinterest when I was thinking about a different way to do ours.
      Most of the ones I saw on Pinterest were so elaborate and obviously they didn’t sway me to change my normal style.

  5. Love your front porch decorations. And inside, too---fallish for sure. You have a talent :) We are still so hot, it's hard to think of fall. I have a fall garden flag in the front and that's about it so far.

    1. Thank you. We had about 10 cooler, wet days and that is when I was inspired to decorate but now it’s back to warm weather. Not hottest summer but very warm.

  6. Your house looks lovely! A great reminder to me, to get my big tub of decor out of the closet and start decorating for Fall, before it's over. Even though it doesn't feel like it has even started here in Texas.

    1. Hello Debbie, it felt like fall here for a few days, but it’s gone back to summer temperatures in Oklahoma as well.
      But the calendar says it’s autumn, so I’m decorating for autumn ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. I love the cheerful fall decor. Also, those tile floors; so easy to care for.

    1. Thank you, yes, these tile floors are easy to care for and I am thankful for them. Sadly, the interior designer people say they are very dated. But I have no plans to change them at this time.

  8. I love your decorations-makes Fall so beautiful! I need to look for a swag like that for my fireplace-perfect!

  9. Your house looks very pretty with the fall decor! I just now noticed that you have a fireplace in your living room, but you have a couch in front of it. Is your living room small where you didn't have any other place for the couch? Just wondering!

    1. Hello Melanie. Thank you.
      Our living room is not really small, it’s about 20’ x 16’. But it does have three openings, one going into the dining room, one going into the kitchen and one going in to the three bedrooms on the west.
      So there isn’t a lot of solid wall space.
      There is currently a long couch in front of the fireplace, and it’s about 2 feet away from the fireplace even though it doesn’t look like it in the photo.
      We rarely use the fireplace. It runs on natural gas and we really only use it if we have a power outage and can’t run our electric heat or if it is just really cold and the electric heat is not keeping up
      My husband really likes the TV on that one wall instead of over the fireplace where it used to be. And as long couch used to be on the wall where the TV is.
      I’ve looked into getting new furniture, but I really can’t decide what would fit in here best
      So yes, for now, a long sofa is 2 feet in front of the fireplace
      It’s not ideal, but it’s working for now

  10. Your fall decorations look beautiful! And you have a beautiful home too.

  11. Your fall decor looks great!
    We're back to hot weather this week, but after the weekend it looks better. One day the high is in the 60s. I look forward to that one! Lol.


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