If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Pork cutlets, a livestock show and will we garden?

Hello everyone 
I cooked those bargain $1 pork cutlets and they were delicious!  
I also baked that big pan of sliced carrots, made some mashed potatoes and a mix white gravy.  
Below is my plate 

My husband was very happy with this meal.  

This morning we went to the local junior livestock show at the county fairgrounds.
  Our 2 oldest grandsons were showing their Guernsey dairy cows.  
They are in 6th and 9th grade now.  

This is  what our side garden spot in the back yard currently looks like 😵‍💫🤯😱

Because of physical issues and extended family needs,  we have not really gardened in a couple of years.  

This is what that patch looked like, a few years ago, before the weeds moved in.  
Weeds grow really well in Oklahoma 
We’ve talked about hiring someone to just take it all back to a grass yard.  

But spring has me wanting to garden so I’m going to see how much cleaning up I can do without tearing it all down. 
No photos but I did a bit of clean up today and found a little asparagus coming up and blackberry bushes with lots of green leaves.  
I’m hoping to clean up a little each day and see how it goes.  

So come back and see if I make any progress.  

Hope you are all well. 
It’s a beautiful springlike day for us 


  1. A little at a time - slow and steady. I bet a lot of that rakes up too. Those beds are nice - I hope you use them this year.

  2. Small bites is the way to go. How exciting to find blackberry bushes growing and some asparagus as well.

    God bless.

  3. Just do the bucket clean up, one bucket a day and a child's sand bucket is fine.

  4. Oh if you can bring it back, that would be so cool. Looking forward to the results.

  5. Slow & steady wins the race. I can't wait to get back to gardening again. There's nothing quite like eating home grown produce.


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