If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snaps of my day

This sweet little guy spent the day with me.  Don't you love his blue eyes?

Little ones always look extra sweet when they are sleeping.

While Gavin napped,  I made binding for that quilt I started a week or so ago. 
Do any of you iron on your kitchen counter? 
I don't iron clothes on the counter but I do like to spread out craft projects on a big surface. 
Just be sure to put a couple of layers of towels underneath.

I cut up some oranges and grapefruit- now ready for easy snacks or to add to Jeff's lunch box.
I also mixed up some sugar free Jello in cups -
doing it myself means our snack cups are fresher and cheaper than the readymade ones at the store.

I washed the mud off the bottom of these cute little boots,
No problem for me,  I cleaned lots of dirty shoes when we lived in the country. 

Theo and Gavin accompanied me on my walk. 
We are having warm days now, just some snow left from the highest drifts that are mostly in shade. 

On our drive to take Gavin back home,  Focus on the Family was on the radio.  Lysa TerKeurst was the guest.  I had never heard of her until Carol from Blessed Cottage recommended Lysa's  free Kindle book Craving God
I really like that book (the first 5 days of it that I have read anyway)   Lysa is also a really funny and heartfelt speaker.  Maybe all of you already know her and have read her other 12 books. 
She is new to me and I am really glad to of found her.  Listening to her on our car ride was encouraging and entertaining. 

Monday, February 14, 2011


Grandbaby Elizabeth 2011
it looks like she is sitting in a red chair

Grandbaby Gavin 2010 in a white chair
looks like the same chair, but a different color and in a different room. 

hmmm,  these grandbabies must have a grandma that likes to change things around, 
could be worse!

I wonder what color that chair will be in 2012?

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sweet things

Nina left us some sweet things on her way to work this morning

carrot, vanilla and chocolate cupcakes, baked in her kitchen on a snowday from   work.  She also left cupcakes at Jeff's work for his coworkers. 

homemade lemon curd 

the sweetest thing of all, baby Elizabeth.
 Nina let us keep the cupcakes and lemon curd but she took the sweet baby back when she got off work. 

Sweet Theo - laying in the hall outside of the room where Elizabeth was napping.
 We sort of got Theo from Nina about 7 years ago,   but he will keep staying with us.