If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, December 8, 2014

What a difference a week makes

Last Monday, I had so much needing done that it took most of the week to get things right.
This week, I've already made so much progress on my to do list.  I did cleaning and laundry first thing. 
This afternoon I've been sewing and in between I went to town for a few errands,
I needed to mail off a package and also mailed 2 letters that used our last 2 postage stamps. So I bought 4 books of stamps while I was there, I made sure to get all Forever stamps as they will always work 1 per letter even when postal rates go up. Right now, I think it is 49 cents a letter. I think when I was a little girl, it cost a nickel and when I was a newlywed it was 20 cents. 
These stamps should last us maybe 6 months or longer.  Most all our bills are paid online.
On Black Friday, I did less an hour worth of shopping and one store that I shopped at was Bath and Body Works as all their stock was buy 3 get 3 free and you could stack coupons. I got lots of products to last the year and the clerk talked me into buying their Black Friday tote bag, a very nice black and gold bag with 6 full size products inside. She said I could exchange any of the scents I didn't like.
Well, I didn't like several of them so I did even exchanges on them today.

The Vanilla Bean Noel smells just like a sugar cookie and I got it for my grands after their baths. 

And of course I stopped at CVS. I wanted to do this Schick razor deal. Coupons.com had a printable buy 1 get Schick coupon.  When you purchase $25 of Schick, you get $10 ECBs.
So I bought 4 packs, used a scanner coupon and and ECB and gift card from previous and weeks and got all the razors for no money out of pocket.   And got a $10 ECB for next time.

I had so many comments and emails about my messy house last week. It is something we can all relate to I guess. I am happy to say that now every bed is made, all dishes washed, all laundry put away and surfaces are cleaned off. I'm not going to photograph it all, you will just have to take my word for it.

I've continued to have trouble leaving comments on some blogs. So with some hesitation and after making almost all the settings private, I switched to Google.  It seems to of worked! I can comment now. 

Hope you are all having a good Monday!  We are having leftovers for supper but I am making a big salad to eat first. So I am off to the kitchen to chop .............

Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's being to look a lot like Christmas

It's been a lot of work but I finally got our Christmas decorating done and I am very happy with how it turned out. This year, we have 4 small trees.
This tree has multi color twinkle lights, Santa things and scentamental ornaments.
My father in law painted the Santa on horseback.
A silver tree and a green tree with twinkle lights and pink ornaments. 
These ornaments are very vintage and all have little scenes in them. 
This tree has long pink bulbs and some birds. My son thinks all Christmas trees need birds on them, even when the bird ornaments are old and very shabby.......
This one is my favorite. The ornaments, all made by my mom, are Christian symbols call Chrismons and crocheted Angels. 

On this fridge are my parents stockings that they used years ago. They are not very big and we all found it tricky to find tiny things to stuff them with.  
The stockings  don't weigh much and I hung them with clothesline that glued magnet strips on the back of. Aren't they pretty? 
The little stockings are plastic canvas and I made them a few years back.  The grands can play with the little ones but not the big ones as they are a bit fragile.

I hope you all are getting in the holiday spirit too!