If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Home tour part 5 - Kitchen

Hello readers, this is my kitchen. I cook a lot and my kitchen is set up now to be convenient for cooking, whether it is just for myself and my husband and also for when there may be a dozen of us here.
 This shows one side of the kitchen. 

We still are enjoying the coffee bar we added when we moved over the fridge.
The other side of the kitchen.  Dishes, glasses and cups are in the top cabinets, Tupperware is in the bottom cabinets.  One drawer is for silverware and the other is a bit of junk drawer.
This kitchen sink is funny to me how it sits on angle, like the dining room. The kitchen is right beside our living room. I can't really look out a window while I do dishes but I can watch my husbands giant tv. Can you see it mounted over the fireplace?
I have quite a bit of vintage Pyrex. I have this upper cabinet full of pieces I use regularly.
More is displayed on the tops of the upper cabinet. I swap them around every so often.

This kitchen has TWO pantries, and it is one of the features that sold me on this house. One pantry hols mostly food.
The other holds appliances, cleaners, bottled drinks, and a little junk.

This room is actually the breakfast room but I've turned it into more kitchen space, it holds a smaller 2nd fridge, a chest freezer, a little armoire that holds cookbooks inside  with the bread machine and toaster oven on top.
My grandmother in law had this desk in her farm house kitchen and now it is in my kitchen. One drawer holds my planning spiral notebook, where I write out my to do list, budget plans, menus, etc. Another drawer holds coupon supplements. 

Thank you for stopping by today

coming up- the living room and the last bedroom 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Update #1 on menu planning

I am so glad I made out this last menu plan.  It has made cooking easier and more fun. We've had some great meals and added some new recipes to the keeper file.  One recipe was just OK,  all the others will be cooked again.
Pinned Recipes from the menu plan that I've cooked so far -----

Shrimp creole

Shrimp creole- above is my cooking and here is the link to the one on Pinterest. It was a really good meal.

Cheese and Onion rolls- but omitted the onions the 2nd time I baked them and liked them even better, 

Below- 3 kinds of bread baked for a big weekend barbecue in the country. I used the bread machine to mix up all 3, then packed them in an old dishpan lined with foil to transport to this very casual party. 

other happenings at my home
we had company this weekend that included the inlaws and all 5 little grandchildren were here at the same time.  That's 5 children born in 4 years- lots of fun and chaos.  

I am still so happy with the new Aldis in my town!  I wish everyone who wanted to shop at Aldis had one as near them as we do.  My grocery money is going much farther and the store is a very short drive, I am spending less time shopping too.

Sewing- the rainbow strip quilt top is half sewn, with the other half of the blocks just laying there waiting to be sewn.  
I ordered some brown and white chevron fabric to sew some simple fall dresses for the 2 grand daughters.  
And last week at Joanns,  I got sewing thread and needles when they were 50% off, and then 15% more off.  This week, Hobby Lobby has McCalls patterns for 99 cents and Joanns has Coats and Clark sewing thread for $1- I will try to go to both but with this hot weather, I may not make it.  

Husband is going to have right knee surgery #8, a revision to his knee replacement next month-with a highly rated civilian doctor,  so we are getting ready for that.- a little bit of actual prep like doing his FMLA paperwork  but mostly mental prep to get geared up for it.  

The  backyard safe room-tornado shelter is supposed to start construction this week- pictures to follow.  I am a little excited about it but I don't know why.  I hope we never, ever need to use it.  

And, If You Do Stuff was featured this week at a  Lets Get Social,  a big blog linky party.  It is a new to me blog party with a new to me circle of bloggers participating.  I've done a little blog hopping there today and found several blogs that really interest me.   Hello and Welcome to the new visitors to came here from Lets Get Social!  

I want to finish my home tour for you and show the kitchen, living room and one more bedroom- coming up soon!

that sums up our home over the last 5 days or so- lots of cooking, lots of family time,  a bit of sewing but not much computer time.