If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hanger dilemma

I need to clean out our closet but am waiting for the seasons to change. When that happens, we should have more than enough hangers after I clean out unused things.
But until then, we have a hanger shortage. 
I like the older plastic hangers that used to be a dozen for a $1 or so, but I went to buy some a few months ago and was unhappy to see how thin the tubes are on them now. It seems manufacturers will save a penny just anywhere. 
I could tell those new hangers were too thin and would not hold up at all. I did buy a few of the thicker ones that are sturdy enough for jeans or jackets, but they are about $2 for just 3. 
So, for months, on laundry day, I have been scrambling to find a hanger for every clean garment. 
We had a few sturdy wire hangers so I decided to just make them do. 
I used fabric glue and scrap fabric cut into about 3/4 inch strips. 
Then, while I watched TV one evening, I just wrapped those hangers until they looked pretty. 
Wrapping them gives them a little cushion to help prevent hangar wrinkles and enough traction that clothes should not easily slip off. 

If you are a crocheter, you could make yarn covers. 

This was very frugal as I just used things on hand. I think older children would like making them for their own closets or for gifts too.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Passing on traditions

Granddaughter Elizabeth was here on Monday, partly because her school was cancelled for snow and also to visit my parents who were here for 4 days.
We needed another treat so I mixed up cinnamon roll dough in the bread machine. Then Elizabeth helped roll out and fill the cinnamon rolls. This photo is while we frosted them. 

Elizabeth likes to say "getting messy is the funnest part of cooking" 
She didn't learn that from me, I am mostly a neat cook. But cooking easy things like cinnamon rolls with little ones is especially fun. 
I plan on doing it anytime we can. Childhood goes so so fast.