If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Planting seeds and a new pocket hose

We needed new water hoses and I did some research on the new compact hoses.
After scanning the 2000 or so ratings for pocket hoses on Amazon, it sounded like it would work for us. 
Pocket hoses are not durable with high water pressure and with big yards. (We don't have either)

I was still a little wary so I bought one at Walmart so it would be easy to return if it was a huge failure. 

I used it today for the first time and I think it will be perfect for our small yard and for watering the outdoor plants. It is small enough to just wind it up on the faucet- no big hose reel or holder needed.

We've got an unplanted flower bed in the front and I think zinnias will be the easiest and least expensive choice. My husband picked out 4 packs of bright color zinnias. I mixed them all together and planted them in 2 rows this morning. 
So hopefully in 6 weeks or so, there will be a hedge of colorful zinnias. 

My mom always grew zinnias and I think they are so pretty and make really nice bouquets too.
But I don't see zinnias in other yards much - they used to be in most every yard. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Flowers for cookies

My son needed cookies for a work event. 
Baking cookies is one of my favorite things to do so I baked 4 kinds 
He offered to pay me but I declined, I prefer to just cook because I like to cook. 
One of his events used this huge bouquet and afterwards, he brought them to me. 
I think they are beautiful - white hydrangea and daisies, red roses, blue flowers that I have no clue as to their name and a big gladiola coming out of the top. 

3 of the 4 batches of cookies - all decorated with red, white and blue sprinkles.