If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fast and Easy supper

We were away from home most all of today.  Once we got home, We wanted some supper but I hadn't planned anything and didn't want to go out.
So, I made an old stand by meal- our version of nachos

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with a release spray like Pam (unless you don't mind scrapping melted cooked-on cheese and you can skip that step.) 
Put down a layer of tortilla chips. Then top with small scoops of refried beans, taco meat and grated cheddar cheese. (I almost always have small containers of taco meat and homemade refried beans in the freezer- made just for times when quick meals are needed)
Bake this in a hot oven, maybe 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees F, until everything is hot and the cheese is bubbly.
While it is baking, dice up some onion, tomatoes and lettuce, set out some salsa, sour cream and peppers, or whatever you like on Mexican style food.
Each diner can top their nachos with whatever they like. 

If you've got some basic ingredients in hand, this meal can be ready to eat faster than driving to Taco Bell.   Clean up is very fast if you use foil on the baking sheet.  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Shopping highlights

A small trip to CVS - I just used newspaper coupons and coupons from the CVS red box. 
2 body wash, 3 bars of soap, 1 toothpaste, 1 Almay eye shadow and 2 bags of clearance Easter candy (already opened and put in the candy dish) 
I spent $6.68 cash. I didn't use or earn any CVS extra care bucks on this transaction but I'm still happy  with it. 

At Dollar Tree, I found these cute little snack cups. They come 2 cups and 1 spoon in a package for $1 and are in the baby care section.  I got turtles and foxes. They had other animals too, zebras and  lions and maybe others.  
I found these paper - cardboard eggs at Walmart when their Easter clearance was 90% off,  I got 4 packs of 12 eggs at 19 cents each.  I know the grands will have much fun decorating them next year.  
I can't share his photo but my brother found 9 egg decorating sets on clearance in his town for $1.56. 

This was a big shopping week here, we also went to the commissary and Sprouts in Oklahoma City. 
Our home is pretty well stocked now and I don't expect to do much more shopping for awhile,  the exception being if I go to CVS for great deals next week. 

The grandchildren's room - much better now!

My big project for this week was getting the grands room in our home back to some kind of organization.  It is a nice sized bedroom with a good closet, but it has to house stuff for the 5 grands and some stuff for the future 2 grands, and it also holds some of my shopping stockpile.  

It took 3 evenings to go through everything.  It was sorted- some stuff was thrown away and some stuff went to the grands homes. 
Mid-sort  Scary, right?

I am happy to say the grands room is done for now!  All sorted and organized and easy to get to anything. 
I changed out the bed cover and put toys on the shelf. 
Stuffed toys fill that storage tub. 
I put the organizers back in the toy cubbies- looks much neater, Right? 
The shelf over the changing table holds stacks of diapers by size and changing products. 
The bins underneath hold clothes for the 2 youngest grand sons as they are very close in size. 

The closet got the most work.  
The top shelf holds the wwipes stockpile and assorted toys. 
Most clothes are on hangers now.  
The shelves are labeled as to who the clothes belong to and one shelf is just for assorted pajamas.

The other end of the closet - the clear tub holds future clothes, the black tub is shoes. 

For months, I've been buying diapers at good deals. Moving them out of that closet really helped with making more space there.  I moved them all to the bottom shelf of a large cabinet on the hall bathroom,  the packs are stacked in there 2 and 3 deep and I think there are 33 packs of assorted sized diapers.  
I'm really thankful I've been able to stockpile so many but they sure take up a lot of space!  

It was a lot of work but I am so happy it is done!  I still want to shampoo the carpet, maybe next week.....
I've gone back in that room at least a dozen times just to enjoy the order and neatness :)

I spent nothing on this room re-do except $5 for clothes hangers.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday List

This week's list is not bad, I did the laundry and some cleaning this weekend.  

Designs are made with rubber stamps, colored with map pencils and the paper is just old fashioned lined notebook paper.  

My big project this week, at least I hope to get to it, is to some organizing in the grandchildrens room.  The winter clothes need switched out for summer clothes and all the toys, books and clothes just seem to be a mess. 

Hope to have some much better AFTER photos soon